Atronocom (ATRONOCOM Tokens) Bounty Campaign - Claim Free 4,400,000 ATRONOCOM Tokens
Atronocom (ATRONOCOM Tokens) Bounty Campaign starts on 14 March 2019 until 07 May 2019. 4,400,000 ATRONOCOM Tokens will be allocated to the several task. Participate in Bounty Campaign to earn Free ATRONOCOM Tokens.
Bounty Campaign Duration: 8 Weeks
Token Distribution: After End of Bounty Campaign
Token Price: 1 ATRONOCOM = 0,6 EURO
Total Pool For Bounty: 4,400,000 ATRONOCOM Tokens (2,640,000 EURO)
Bounty Allocation
Bounty Manager: Danil Chernuy / Bellys
About Atronocom (ATRONOCOM Tokens)
ATRONOCOM is currently conducting an investor SAFT - crowdsale to support the launch of the platform and accelerate development of its decentralized application ecosystem.
ATRONOCOM has positioned itself as a secure platform in one of the fastest developing markets in the world.
ATRONOCOM wants to make life easier for investors and participants with simple but advanced technologies and products.
ATRONOCOM will provide practical experience and transparently guarantee and live the exchange of information between the parties involved.
ATRONOCOM wants to make the developments of the research of the last years available to its customers and partners at a reasonable and safety-conscious price performance ratio.
You can read details rules of the Atronocom (ATRONOCOM Tokens) Bounty Campaign in Bitcointalk Thread.
Happy Bounty Hunting!!!
Source Bounty, Source About Atronocom Project.